Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

Meet Tally. She's about to turn sixteen and in her world that means only one thing. Being surgically altered into a gorgeous version of herself. And once you're beautiful, you are sent to a world where your only job is to enjoy the new life you've been give. Even though Tally has been raised to think that looks are everything, a new friend convinces her that maybe she doesn't want to be pretty. And soon Tally learns the hard way that the pretty world is anything but pretty.

I loved reading this series. Westerfeld brings new life to an age old myth 'if beautiful really is better' and creates a world obsessed with perfection. You won't realize how fast this book flies until you've drank the last few worlds of this novel. This book is real and raw, exposing the graphic and bone chilling sides of beauty and it makes you wonder what is really important in life.

Uglies melts into the delectable and intoxicating genre of science fiction, creating images that could only exist in the vast depths of our imagination. Calling all Hunger Games fans? Here's a new guilty pleasure for you. And don't you worry, a series follows for those who can't get enough of Tally and being pretty.

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